Sunday, 30 March 2014

In Which An Ending Is Found

Dear Diary,

You know those moments when you can’t believe everything has fallen into place and somehow the stupid plan might work? When even people you have a right to hate come through for you? That happened today and I’m still reeling from the implications of it all.

Ardath, Caleb, Chantel, Israel, Tobias, and myself all did something incredible. Tobias had agreed to help me as long as I stopped isolating him. He didn’t want anything in return. He just wanted in. I felt sick when I agreed but the ends justifies the means, right? You can’t punk out halfway through. The story can’t stop being told because the hero doesn’t feel like being the hero anymore. Not that I’m a hero. I’m so far from it. Everyone knows I’m the opposite. But my goal just couldn’t be left behind. Not now.

So we gathered what we had been spending the day finding. Israel had some weird water. Chantel had mentioned possibly selling out Leanne. Ardath had gotten some cold iron. I had gotten Tobias, I guess. And Elliot to help. Caleb… well, I guess he had kept an eye on Vincent. I don’t know what he had been doing. But we all went to the church where we found Red Cap sitting outside.

Immediately the boys got defensive, and I sat down beside Robin to ensure no one attacked him. I wasn’t going to have more violence happen. I was done with the bullshit. I just wanted to save Vincent and be done with everything. Chantel talked with Robin, and everyone carried in the stuff from the cars. Vincent had brought his family’s book he got from his mom, Natalie. He gave Robin a pointed look before going inside. Then Robin said he was sorry about my mom and I had to walk away. I couldn’t think about her. About what I had done.

Before we could begin the ritual, Robin mentioned something about the church being off. We walked inside and saw these weird demonlike imps running around with all the crosses turned upside down. Israel killed several and became his true angel form. The imps jumped on Vincent and started to form into wings on his back. I tried to help him but the burn on my neck of Samael began to sear and felt like my skin was peeling. And then Israel killed them all and blessed the church again or something. My burn stopped hurting and I lead Vincent into the basement. It was time.

Once inside Tobias began a ritual. We didn’t have enough power because Israel had tossed the water (I’m still not sure what the fuck happened there). So we each gave something. Ardath gave his fairy power. I forgave Samael for all he had done, taking his power away from me. Chantel told Samael that he never had power over her, and denied him any power still, showing she had no fear of him. Caleb gave the coin of his father. Israel convinced Vincent he needed to reject Samael. And then the ritual was going and there was no way to stop it.

It came down to Vincent truly rejecting Samael and everything Samael was. That meant his past, his present, and his future. Everything he had done that had even the slightest supernatural element to it… would be gone. It meant our whole life together so far would be erased from him and he would be new. I watched as the spell completed and Israel ripped the dragon like wings and half-body off of Vincent and it congealed into a gross pool of shed skin and old scales. Tobias mixed it into some cement and then there was just Vincent.

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